华慧考研:题源报刊精读Hope for Meth Addiction (4)

2021-07-05 14:50点击次数:1323

华慧考研:题源报刊精读Hope for Meth Addiction (4)
2018 study with 2,060 VA patients, led by DePhilippis, found that over a 12-week period, participants, on average, showed up for 56 percent of their 24 sessions and that 91 percent of their urine samples were free of the targeted drug. According to a 2018 analysis of 50 trials involving nearly 7,000 patients with meth or cocaine habits, one person benefits from CM for every five treated.
DePhilippis’s team is gathering data on CM’s long-term efficacy for drug users. If results are good, perhaps more health insurers will overcome concerns about using financial rewards in treatment and cover the therapy. Volkow hopes that meth users will ultimately have a variety of treatments, including some that combine medication with behavioral therapy. That, she says, is how diseases from depression to diabetes are treated. But “we stigmatize addiction,” Volkow says, “and insurance is willing to pay much less than for another condition. There’s a double standard.”
session    n
cover      v.足以支付,够付
stigmatize       v.职责,污辱
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