华慧考研:题源报刊精读Hope for Meth Addiction (1)

2021-07-05 14:47点击次数:1418

华慧考研:题源报刊精读Hope for Meth Addiction (1)

A decade ago I traveled on assignment to a Rocky Mountain rehab facility where the rich and famous go to dry out and confront their drug habits. It offered every imaginable therapy to its well-heeled clientele and claimed strong results. But I will never forget what the director of operations told me about the clinic’s biggest failure: “Our results with meth addicts are dismal,” he admitted.
Poor results remain all too typical for what is more formally known as methamphetamine use disorder. About one million people in the U.S. are addicted to meth, a powerful stimulant that—smoked, snorted, injected or swallowed—ruins lives and contributed to more than 12,000 overdose deaths in 2018. Fatal overdoses appear to have spiked by nearly 35 percent during the COVID pandemic. Unlike people battling alcoholism or opioid misuse, meth users have no approved medications to help them shake their habit. And most behavioral therapies fail.
dry out           戒酒;变干涸
typical for      典型的
use disorder    滥用
be addicted to 对……上瘾
shake one’s habbit  改变习惯
dismal            a.阴暗的,忧郁的;(景色等)凄凉的,荒凉的;凄惨的
snort              v.从鼻孔吸入(毒品);喷鼻息(表示不耐烦、厌恶、欢娱等)
              snort with rage 愤怒地哼了一声
swallow          v.吞,咽;(海浪、群众等)吞噬,使……没入(看不见);耗尽,用尽;忍受;收回(前言)
spike              v.迅速升值;用尖物刺入;~sth.with sth.)在……中掺入(烈酒、毒药或毒品);拒绝发表,阻挠
              The US dollar spiked to a three-month high.
              The article was spiked for fear of legal action against the newspaper.
One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏。
spike sb.’s gums     打乱对手的计划
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