华慧考研:题源报刊精读Water Colors(2)

2021-06-07 09:11点击次数:1435

Water Colors2
Western U.S. river colors mostly moved toward the blue end of the spectrum over time, suggesting they carried less sand and silt. But many rivers in the Northeast showed a “redshift” that made them appear more yellow, indicating lower water levels or increasing sediment. Gardner says this divergence suggests that regional factors, such as land-use patterns and watershed-management practices, influence long-term river hue shifts. (Some rivers shifted against these trends because of local influences.)
“We also found very distinct seasonal patterns,” Gardner says. Many of the nation’s rivers turn yellower in spring or summer as peaking rainfall muddies the waters. But the timing also depends on geography and on human activity such as agriculture.
Using satellites to gauge changes in river composition could warn scientists when environments begin to fall out of balance, the researchers say. Legleiter is particularly interested in watching for harmful algal blooms. “A lot of times with environmental change, we don’t see it until too late,” O’Reilly add. “But with satellites, we could start to see changes early on.”
fall out of balance   失去平衡
divergence      n.分歧,差异
hue                n.色彩,色度;叫声
timing            n.时机;定时;时间设置
gauge             v.估计,判断;计量,度量
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