华慧考研:题源报刊精读Hope for Meth Addiction (3)

2021-07-05 14:49点击次数:1444

华慧考研:题源报刊精读Hope for Meth Addiction (3)
The medication study used two substances that target withdrawal. Bupropion, an antidepressant also prescribed for smoking cessation, raises dopamine levels in the brain and thus may buffer the misery of steep drops that occur when people stop using meth. Naltrexone, the second medication, is an opioid blocker that “has an effect on the reward circuit, potentially relieving cravings,” explains the study’s lead author, Madhukar H. Trivedi, a psychiatrist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. In a trial with 403 heavy users of meth, a regimen of the two medications helped 13.6 percent stay off the drug, testing meth-free at least three quarters of the time over a six-week period. Only 2.5 percent of those given placebos achieved that level of abstinence.
该药物研究使用了两种针对戒断的物质。安非他酮作为一种抗抑郁剂,也是一种用于戒烟的处方药,它能够提高大脑中的多巴胺水平,从而减轻人们停止摄入冰毒时多巴胺水平急剧下降的痛苦。该研究的第一作者、德克萨斯大学西南医学中心的精神病学家 Madhukar H. Trivedi 解释道,第二种药物纳曲酮是一种阿片类药物阻滞剂,它对奖赏回路有影响,有概率减轻渴望。在一项对 403 名冰毒重度使用者进行的试验中,这两种药物的治疗方案帮助 13.6% 的人戒毒,在六周内至少有四分之三的时间测试不含冰毒,而服用安慰剂的人中只有 2.5% 达到了这种戒断水平。
Contingency management works on behavior by reinforcing abstinence with prizes. At VA clinics, addicted veterans submit a urine sample twice a week. If the sample is meth-free, they get to pull a slip of paper from a fishbowl. Half the slips show various dollar amounts that can be spent at VA shops, and the rest feature words of encouragement. Two clean samples in a row earn two draws from the fishbowl, three in a row earn three draws, and so on, up to a maximum of eight. But drug-positive urine means no prize. The key “is the immediacy of the reinforcement,” says Dominick DePhilippis, a clinical psychologist at the Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center in Philadelphia. That is important, he notes, because the rush of meth is also immediately reinforcing, whether it is the “euphoric feeling that substance use brings or the escape from fatigue or unpleasant mood states” of withdrawal.
应急管理通过奖励来强化禁欲,从而影响行为。在退伍军人事务部(VA)所属诊所,上瘾的退伍军人每周提交两次尿液样本。若样品药检呈阴性,他们就可以从鱼缸里抽取一张纸条。一半纸条是可在退伍军人事务部附属商店消费的各种面额的现金券,剩下的则写着鼓励的话语。连续两次阴性样本可以获得两次抽奖机会,连续三次则是三次机会,以此类推,最多不超过八次。而尿检呈阳性则意味着没有奖品。费城Michael J. Crescenz 退伍军人事务部医疗中心的临床心理学家多米尼克·德菲利普斯(Dominick DePhilippis)表示,关键是“强化的即时性”。他强调,这一点很重要,因为毒品的刺激感也会立刻得到强化,无论是“吸毒带来的快感,还是摆脱戒毒造成的疲劳或不愉快情绪”。
in a row          连续;成一排
target             v.把……作为目标
cessation         n.中断,中止
buffer             v.缓冲,减轻
blockers         n.阻断剂
craving           n.渴望,渴求
placebo          n.安慰剂;为死者所诵的晚祷词
abstinence       n.禁欲;戒酒;(宗教)禁食
urine              n.尿液
immediacy      n.即时性
rush               n.突如其来的极度愉悦(兴奋);迸发的情绪
euphoric         a.精神愉快的,欣快的
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