华慧考研:题源报刊精读Hope for Meth Addiction (2)

2021-07-05 14:48点击次数:1345

华慧考研:题源报刊精读Hope for Meth Addiction (2)
But this tragic picture at last may be changing. A recent study found that a regimen of two medications helped some users stay off the drug. In addition, a psychosocial intervention called contingency management (CM) has been shown to be especially effective and, while not widely available, is now the first-line therapy for people seeking treatment for meth or cocaine addiction within the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs health system.
All addictions are tough to beat, but methamphetamine poses a particular challenge. A key way that researchers measure the addictive grip of a substance is to look at how much dopamine (a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure) floods into the brain’s major reward center during use, based on animal studies. “Methamphetamine is the drug that produces the largest release,” says Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. “An animal will go crazy pressing a lever in order to get the drug,” she adds. Another metric involves real-world human experience: When you try a new substance, what is the likelihood of becoming addicted? “In this respect, methamphetamine ranks along with heroin among the top addictive drugs,” Volkow says.
一切成瘾性都很难克服,而甲基苯丙胺带来了特殊的挑战。根据动物研究,研究人员测量物质成瘾性的一个关键方法是观察在使用过程中有多少多巴胺(一种与愉悦相关的神经递质)涌入大脑的主要奖赏中枢。甲基苯丙胺是释放量最大的药物,美国国家药物滥用研究所所长诺拉·沃尔科 (Nora Volkow) 说道。他还说:为了获得药物,动物会疯狂按压杠杆。另一指标涉及现实世界的人类体验:当您尝试一种新物质时,上瘾的可能性有多大?在这方面,甲基苯丙胺与海洛因一同成为最容易上瘾的毒品,沃尔科说。
stay off           远离
pose a challenge     提出挑战
flood into       涌入
regimen          n.(以增进健康及强身为目的,在饮食、锻炼等方面规定的)生活制度,养生之道
grip               n.(对……的)控制,影响力
metric            n.度量标准
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