
2021-08-04 09:21点击次数:2099

  1. It will be 3 years before everything returns tonormal.  将要3年一切才恢复原状。

  2.  It was 3 hours before the fire was put out.   过了三个小时大火被扑灭。

  3. This is/was the first(second) time (that) I have been/had been here.这是我第一(二)次来这里。

  4. It is no use/good learning without practice.  学而不用没有用处/不好.

  5. If you had come earlier,you would have met him.  如果你早一点来你就会遇上他了。(对过去的虚拟)

  6. (How)I wish I knew the answer now, but I don’t know.   我希望我现在知道答案。(wish)

  7. I would rather (that) you came to see me tomorrow. 我宁愿你明天来看我。

  8. If you had taken the doctor’sadvice, you would recover now.  如果你听了医生的劝告,你现在就康复了。

  9. He suggested that we (should)put the meeting forward. His accent suggested that he came from Hubei.  他建议我们提前开会,他的口音暗示他来自湖北。

  10. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he would have scored a goal.


  1. He should have told me thetruth earlier.  他本该早点告诉我事实真相的。(情态动词)

  2. What a nice day today! What fine weather it is!  How fine the weather is! 今天天气多么好啊!感叹句

  3. What fun it is to swim in thehot days!   热天游泳是多么有趣的事啊!

  4. What good news it is! 多么好的消息啊!How beautiful the flowers are!   这些花多么漂亮啊!

  5.  It is the ability to do the job that matters.是工作的能力重要。(强调句)

  6. How was it that theymanaged to finish the work in such a short time?


  1. Large quantities of water have been polluted. 大量的水已被污染。(主谓一致)

  2. Between the two windows hangs a picture. 在两扇窗子中间挂着一幅图画。(介词短语放句首,全部倒装)

  3. The big tree is four times the height of that small one.  这颗大树的高度是那棵小树的四倍。

  4. We have produced twice more grain this year than we did last year.   我们今年生产的粮食是去年的两倍。

  5. There are five times as many students as weexpected.  到的人是我们预计的五倍。

  6. I spent twice as much time on my studies as you did.   我花在学习上的时间是你的两倍。

  7. The more careful youare, the fewer mistakes you will make.  你越仔细,出错越少。

  8. can’t agree with you more. 我完全同意你的意见。

  9. havenever seen a better film (than this).  我从未看过比这还好的电影。

  10. Never before haveI seen such amoving film.=I have never seen such a moving film before. (否定词与倒装)

  11. Hardly hadI sat downwhen the bell rang.  我刚一坐下电话就响了。

  12. Not until heleft his home did he began to know how important the family was for him.


  1. So suddenly did the earthquake occur thatno one managed to escape from their collapsing houses.    地震发生的如此突然,没有一个人成功地从快要倒塌的房屋中逃离。

  2. So hard doe she work thathe is popular with his teachers.  他学习努力以至于很受老师喜欢。

  3.  Young as she is ,she has seen much of the world.  她虽然年轻,但却见过很多世面。

  4. Present at the meeting are some scientists from China.  出席会议的是一些来自中国的科学家。(倒装)

  5. He died, leaving an orphan. 他死了,留下一个孤儿。(结果状语,顺承关系)

  6. He arrived at the station,only to findthe bus had left.(结果状语,出乎意料)

  7. The patient needs operating onat once.  这位病人需要马上做手术。needdoing = need to be done

  8. Addicted to playing computer games, he was absent-minded in class.  沉迷于网络游戏,他上课心不在焉。

  9. So many people being absent, the meeting had to be put off.   由于多人缺席,会议不得不推迟。(独立主格)

  10. Not having received a reply, he decided to write a sixth letter. (havingdone 是完成式,表发生于谓语前)

  11. I will never forget the day when weworked together. 定语从句

  12. There are 54 students in ourclass, of whomthe most diligent is a newcomer from a faraway mountain village.    我们班有54人,其中最勤奋的是一个来自于遥远的山村的新同学.

  13. You’ve no idea how importantit is for us to learn English well.   你不知道对于我们来说学好英语有多重要。

  14. The reason why Iwas sad wasthat he didn’tunderstand me. 我难过的原因是他不理解我。

  15. What they have in common isthat they are all independent.他们的共同之处是他们都很独立。

  16. Word came that our team won the football match.消息传来,我们队赢了足球比赛。

  17. She said that the plan wouldwork out well. That was where I disagreed.表语从句

  18. Addup your score andsee how many pointsyou get.宾语从句

  19. Yourfriend can’t go until he finishes cleaning his bicycle.(not…until…)

  20. Hebroke the camera and you had to pay to get it repaired. getsth. done; have sth. done

  21. While walking the dog,you were careless and it got loose and was hitby a car. (while doing)

  22. Takethe dog to the vet and paythe bill yourself.(祈使句)

  23. Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you. (定语从句)

  24. stayed awake onpurpose in order tohave a good look at the noon by myself. (stay+adj.)

  25. happened to be upstairs at dusk when the windows were open. (happento do sth.碰巧做某事)

  26. Natureis one thing that really must be experienced. (定语从句)

  27. She has got to go through all the difficulties with her family. (熬过)

  28. She suffered from loneliness.(alone一个人;lonely孤独的)

  29. It was such fun to watch it run loose in the park. (such+不可数名词)

  30. I have got tired of looking at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows. (厌倦)

  31. Iam having some trouble with my classmates at the moment.

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