
2021-06-28 09:36点击次数:1271

1.When we are frustrated with failures in life, what we need is a ______ to cheer us up. As for me, it is “Every cloud has a silver lining.”
(A) plot (B) rhythm (C) motto (D) charm
2. ______, the funny joke Christian just told us was the same one you shared at the party last night.
(A) Specifically (B) Interestingly (C) Temporarily (D) Appropriately
3. Ed was ______ the new colleague when he said he hated rude and impolite people.
(A) serving as (B) referring to (C) laying off (D) cutting out
4. If you have any problems using this new washing machine, don’t ______ to contact our customer service center.
(A) evolve (B) concede (C) appeal (D) hesitate
5.According to the advertisement, anyone with store membership is ______ for a free gift when they buy more than NT$2,000 of supplies.
(A) eligible (B) notorious (C) impatient (D) renowned

1. C
2. B
3. B
【解析】当Ed说讨厌粗鲁无礼的人时,他指的是这位新同事。refer to“涉及,指的是,参考,适用于”;serve as“担当,起……作用”;lay off“解雇”;cut out“切断,删除,停止。裁剪”。
4. D
【解析】如果您在使用这款新洗衣机时遇到任何问题,请随时联系我们的客户服务中心。hesitate to“犹豫,不愿”;evolve“演变,进化”;concede to“让步”;appeal to“呼吁,上诉,要求,吸引”
5. A
【解析】广告上说,凡是店内会员,购买2000元以上商品均可获赠礼品一份。be eligible fot“有资格……”;notorious“臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的”;impatient“热切的,不耐烦的”;renowned“享有盛誉的”。



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