
2021-03-19 11:48点击次数:3095


Many Canadians enjoy the luxury of a large amount of living space. Canada is vast and homes are large according to the standards of many countries. Even 1 crowded inner cities do not reach the extremes found in other parts of world.
Canadians appreciate the space and value their privacy. Since families are generally small, many Canadian children enjoy the luxury of their own bedroom. Having more than one bathroom in a house is also considered a modern 2 convenience.
Many rooms in Canadian homes have specialized functions. Family rooms are popular features in modern houses; these are 3 in fact, living rooms since many living rooms have become reserved for entertaining. Some homes have formal and informal dining areas 4 as well.
Recreational homes are also popular 5 with Canadians. Some Canadians own summer homes, cottages or camp. These many 6 range from a small one-room cabin to a luxurious building that rivals the comforts of the regular residence. Some cottages are winterized for year-round use. Cottages offer people the chance to get away from it all. They are so popular that summer weekend traffic jams are common, especially in large cities such as Toronto, where the number of people leaving town on Friday night and returning Sunday night 7 blocks the highways for hours.
Sometimes, living in Canada means not only having privacy, but also being isolated. Mobility has become part of modern life; people often do not live in one long enough to 8 get to know their neighbors. Tenants live their own lives in their apartments or town houses. Even in private residential ares, where there is some 9 stability , some neighborhood life is not as close-knit as it once was. There seems to be 10 less of a communal spirit. Life today is so hectic that there is often little time.
  1.  A. spacious   B. crowded   C. remote   D. deserted
  2.  A. convenience   B. comfort   C. architecture   D. taste
  3.  A. in common   B. in particular   C. in chief  D. in fact
  4.  A. either   B. as well   C. in turn   D. instead
  5.  A. to   B. in   C. with   D. for
  6.  A. transform   B. convert   C. range   D. shift
  7.  A. blocks   B. halts   C. cuts off   D. keeps off
  8.  A. become   B. come   C. get   D. grow  
  9.  A. stability   B. mobility   C. reality   D. tranquility
  10.  A. bit   B. much   C. more   D. less

句子没读懂;比如说第二题,该句话的意思为“family rooms”实际上就是客厅。
代词没还原;比如说第二题,these are in fact living rooms,这里要将these 还原才能知道这句话的意思,即these 指代“family rooms”。还有第六题也要将these还原,these指代是上句中的summer homes, cottages or camp.从而能够把握好句意,选range,表示一种范围,而不是转变。
固定搭配没有积累;如第五题和第八题,若平时没有积累be popular with 和get to know 这些词组,也是很难选择正确的答案。

  1. 单词积累:时间虽然不多,很多学生目前主要是在做真题。我们需要把每个做过的完型的题干、选项,文章里面出现的生词再进行记忆。
  2. 词组搭配积累:完型所有选项、完型文章,以及阅读、词汇题中的固定搭配我们也得写在本子上进行反复记忆。
  3. 做题时注意将代词还原以及注意上下文的逻辑关系。

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