
2020-09-10 10:33点击次数:2071

Tips: 辨别近义词之间的区别最好的办法就是看各自的英文解释
第一组:enormous; immense; huge; vast
enormous: Something that is enormous is extremely large in size or amount.
                    You can use enormous to emphasize the great degree or extent of something.
注意抓住关键信息the great degree or extentin size or amount,由此可以得出,enormous不仅可以表示“数量、尺寸”方面的“大”,还可以表示程度方面的“极大”
immense: If you describe something as immense, you mean that it is extremely large or great.
注意抓住关键信息extremely large or great.,由此可以得出,immense比较普通,就是表示“特别大的”意思。
huge: extremely large in size or amount; great in degree
注意抓住关键信息in size or amountgreat in degree,由此可以得出,hugeenormous一样,不仅可以表示“数量、尺寸”方面的“大”,还可以表示程度方面的“极大”。
vast: extremely large in area, size, amount, etc.
注意抓住关键信息in area, size, amount,由此可以得出,vast多用于强调“区域范围、数量和尺寸”的“巨大”。

第二组:obscure; vague; ambiguous
obscure: difficult to understand
vague: If something written or spoken is vague, it does not explain or express things clearly.
注意抓住关键信息not explain or express clearly由此可以得出,vague指的是因“没有表达清楚”而“不明确”
ambiguous: If you describe something as ambiguous, you mean that it is unclear or confusing because it can be understood in more than one way.
注意抓住关键信息because it can be understood in more than one way,由此可以得出,ambiguous指的是因“有多种解释和理解角度”而“不明确”。

第三组:element; component; ingredient
element: a necessary or typical part of sth.
注意抓住关键信息necessary or typical,由此可以得出,element强调的是整体中某个基本的、不可缺少的组成部分。
component: one of several parts of which sth is made
注意抓住关键信息 one of several parts,由此可以得出,component为普通用词,就是指一个整体中的某个部分。
ingredient: one of the things from which sth is made, especially one of the foods that are used together to make a particular dish
one of the things or qualities that are necessary to make sth successful
注意抓住关键信息,根据第1种释义中的from which sth is madeespecially one of the foods可以得出,ingredient指的是“混合物的成分、配料”特别是烹饪原料;根据第2中释义中的the things or qualitiesmake sth successful可以得出,ingredient指的是“(成功的)因素,要素”。
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