
2024-02-28 14:04点击次数:1371

1. Researchers discovered that plants infected with a virus give off a gas that _____ disease resistance in neighboring plants.
Acontracts Bactivates Cmaintains Dprescribes
2. Corporations and labor unions have_____ great benefits upon their employees and members as well as upon the general public.
Aconferred Bgranted Cflung Dsubmitted
3. The movement of the moon conveniently provided the unit of month, which was_____ from one new moon to the next.
Ameasured Breckoned Cjudged Dassessed
4. The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible on the grounds that it was_____ to the issue at hand.
Airrational Bunreasonable Cinvalid Dirrelevant
5. Fuel scarcities and price increases_____ automobile designers to scale down the largest models and to develop completely new lines of small cars and trucks.
Apersuaded Bprompted Cimposed Denlightened

[分析]contract意为“使缩短”;(较正式用法)染上(疾病),如:Metal contracts as it cools.(金属冷却时会收缩。)Two-thirds of the adult population there has contracted the disease.(那里三分之二的成年人都染上了这种疾病。)activate意为“使活动,激活,使活化”,如:activate the burglar alarm/the gene(使防盗报警器响/激活基因)。maintain意为“保持,维持”,如:maintain the status quo(维持现状)。prescribe意为“开处方”,如:prescribe some medicines(开点药)。[Bactivate符合句意,放在句中意为“激活对病毒的抵抗力”。
[分析]confer意为“给予,授予(学位,证章、头衔等)”,常接sth. on/upon sb.,如:The queen conferred a noble title on her minister.(女王授与大臣以贵族头衔。)因此,[A]项符合句子要求。grant意为“准予,授予”,一般接双宾语sb. sth或者sth. to sb.,如:The bank granted a loan to me.(银行给了我一笔贷款。)fling意为“抛,扔”,如:fling ones clothes about(到处乱扔衣服)。submit意为“提交,呈送”,一般接sth. to sb.,如:submit the papers to the examiner(把试卷交给主考老师)。
[分析]measure意为“测量(大小,数量)”,如:measure the speed(测量速度)。reckon意为“估计,计算”,如:The age of the earth is reckoned at about 4600 million years.(估计地球的年龄大约为46亿年。)judge意为“判断,评定”,如:judge between right and wrong(判断是非)。assess意为“评价,评定(性质、质量)”,如:assess the effects of these changes(评价这些改变的效果)。根据句意,[Breckon正确。
[分析]irrational意为“不合逻辑的,没有道理的”,如:an irrational fear(无端的恐惧)。unreasonable意为“不合理的,非理智的”,如:unreasonable conduct(无理行为)。invalid意为“(法律上)无效(力)的”,如:an invalid license(作废的执照)。irrelevant意为“无关的”,常和介词to搭配,如:be irrelevant to the subject(不切题)。因此,[Dirrelevant正确。
[分析] persuade意为“劝说”,可接sb. to do sth.,如:persuade him to give up(劝他放弃)。prompt意为“敦促,促使”,可接sb. to do sth.,如:prompt him to speak it out(促使他讲出来)。impose意为“强加”,一般接sth. on sb.,如:impose additional financial burdens on people(给人们增加额外的经济负担)。enlighten意为“启发,开导,阐明”,如:She didnt enlighten him about her background.(她未向他讲明自己的出身背景。)选项中,imposeenlighten不能接不定式,首先排除;persuade的动作发出者一般是人,而句中的主语是fuel scarcities and price increases,因此排除[A],[B]正确。
[句意] 燃料短缺及价格上涨促使汽车设计人员减少大型车的设计,转而开发全新的小型轿车和货车。
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