Chinese police take down 160 organized crime groups in 2022
Chinese police dismantled more than 160 organized crime groups and 1,520 criminal gangs in 2022, amid ongoing efforts to combat organized crime, the Ministry of Public Security said on Monday.
More than 20,000 criminal cases were concluded last year, the ministry said, noting that these efforts consolidated the achievements of a three-year nationwide campaign against organized crime, which was launched in January 2018.
The police took down 28 organized crime groups and 229 gangs active in rural areas, effectively maintaining social order in China's countryside, the ministry said.
It said it would coordinate with special crackdown operations targeting the education sector, loan activities and the circulation of goods and services to prevent gang-related crime.
全国扫黑除恶专项斗争 national crackdown on gang crimes
平安中国 Peaceful China initiative
社会治理现代化 the modernization of social governance
法治中国建设 build the rule of law in China
(来源:新华社 编辑:yaning)