华慧考博: 考博英语作文常用套句(二)
1. My argument for this view goes as follows: 我关于这个观点的论证如下:
2. There is considerable evidence in favor of…. 有相当多的证据支持……
3. One very strong argument for…is that…. 关于……的一个强有力的论证是…….
4. firstly/first/n the first place/first of all/to begin with/above everything else/in the first instance 首先
5. second/n the second place 其次
6. besides/in addition(to)/furthermore/moreover 再者,其次
7. finally/last of all/last but not least/lastly/in the last place 最后
8. admittedly/I admit/conceding that/I concede 不可否认的是,我承认
9. to be frank/frankly speaking/honestly speaking 老实说,坦白讲
10. The birth/invention of…has made an enormous/essential difference to…But it does not mean that…. …的产生(发明)对……产生了巨大的(根本性的)影响,但这并不意味着…….
11. Many people hold an erroneous view towards… 对……...很多人都持有一种错误的看法。.
12. In my opinion, both views are lop-sided.] 在我看来,两方面的观点都有失偏颇。
13. …as the product of modern civilization, have been playing a vital part in the daily activities of human society.……作为现代文明的产品,在人类社会日常活动中一直发挥着重要的作用。
14. …has changed the way our society develops .But its bright side should not keep us from following closely its darkside. …改变了我们社会发展的方向,但它光明的一面不应该阻碍我们注意到它的阴暗的一面
15. But we must not lose sight of the fact there are disadvantages/benefits to doing something.
16. As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes/positions. 至于它是福是祸,人们却持有不同的态度(观点)。
17. ….if made the best/the worst of ,will bring some distinct advantages/disadvantages to…. ……...如果充分利用(作最坏的打算),将给……...带来明显的好处(不利)。
18. There is a good side and a bad side to everything, and that includes…. 任何事情都有好的一面和坏的一面,这包括……...