1. You can’t let your eyes glide across the lines of a book and ________ an understanding of what you have read.
A. come up to
B. come across
C. come around
D. come up with
2. The chair is comfortable, because it accommodates its shape to a person’s position. (划线词:accommodates)
A. involves
B. adapts
C. adopts
D. indulges
中国的保健食品(health food)市场首次出现于20世纪80年代。保健食品是指具有特定保健功能或补充维生素或矿物质的食品。保健食品适用于特定人群消费,具有调节人体功能的效果,但不用于治疗疾病的目的。保健食品有两种。一种是具有特定保健功能的食品,另外一种是营养补充剂。