
2022-09-21 17:05点击次数:1698

Why it’s really possible to fall in love online

Falling in love sight unseen, often through the written word, has been happening for centuries. The Web has only made it easier.


What makes these digital relationships successful? According to a study, one of the key draws of Internet relationships of all kinds is the ability to find people who like the same stuff that you do.


Love can be blind literally. One of the most famous studies is "Deviance In The Dark," in which interactions between students were observed in both pitch-dark and well-lit rooms.


Those who met in the dark room, on the whole, were much more open and intimate with their fellow participants than those who met face-to-face under the fluorescents. In short: When you get rid of all the stress attached to face-to-face meetings, people feel more free to be themselves and get to know each other.


Diana Dorell, an intuitive dating coach, explained that "without real-life contact, you run the risk of developing strong feelings for the idea of someone, not the person themselves."


According to Joshua Klapow, a clinical psychologist, "While using video to connect with someone definitely offers more intimacy than texting, emailing, or writing, not being able to touch or smell someone limits your sense of the other person."


Besides, the Web is full of tricksters. One study found that 81% of online daters admitted to lying about their weight, height, age or a combination of the three on their profiles. The Web allows users to present their best selves to the public, and sometimes those selves are exaggerated.



Her is an American science-fiction romantic drama film. It follows Theodore Twombly, a man who develops a relationship with Samantha, an artificially intelligent virtual assistant personified through a female voice.


Theodore panics when Samantha briefly goes offline. When she finally responds to him, she confirms that she is talking with thousands of people, and that she has fallen in love with hundreds of them. Theodore is very upset at the idea, but Samantha insists it only makes her love for Theodore stronger.


Meeting online is a great way to get to know someone and even to connect on a deeper level. But until you hold someone's face in your hands, and gaze into that special person’s eyes, and see what he or she is really like in the flesh, you won't know without a doubt that it’s real love.


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