
2022-07-04 15:24点击次数:3141


  • Prefix: 前缀

  • Suffix: 后缀

  • A pair of useful prefixes: 一对超好用的前缀

  • Over: 超过

  • Under: 不足

  • We've prepared a group of verbs and adjectives with over and under prefixes: 我们为大家准备了一系列含有over和under的动词和形容词

  • Generally speaking, "over" means too much, and "under" means not enough: 基本上,"over"的意思是过头、"under"则是不够、不足


  • Overdo: 一件事做得过头,比如: I overdid the exercises and injured myself. 我健身过度、结果伤到自己了。

  • Underdo: 反义,但口语里很少这么说

  • Overcook: 烧得过头、烧老了。比如:The steak was overcooked. 牛排煎老了。

  • Undercook: 反义。比如: Don't ever unercook pork and chicken. 猪肉、鸡肉千万不能夹生。

  • Overprepare: 过度准备,不过这是over前缀单词中少有的积极行为。比如I'd rather overprepare than underprepare. 我情愿多准备,也不愿准备不足。

  • Underprepare: 反义。

  • Overthink: 思考过度、想太多。比如Just follow your instincts. Don't overthink it. 相信直觉,别想太多。(注意,口语里不太用underthink) 

  • Overanalyze: 分析过度。比如I tend to overanalyze things. 我常常分析过度。

  • Overreact: 反应过度。比如It was nothing. Stop overreacting. 根本没什么,不要反应那么激烈。

  • Overestimate: 高估

  • Underestimate: 低估。比如They lost the game because they underestimated their opponent. 他们低估对手,因此输掉了比赛。

  • Overvalue: 估值太高。比如Tesla stock is overvalued. Tesla股价过高。

  • Undervalue: 反义。比如My contribution was seriously undervalued by my boss. 我老板严重低估了我的贡献。

  • Overwhelm: 压倒、占据。比如I am overwhelmed by work. 工作实在太多,把我压的喘不过气来。 

  • Underwhelm: 反义,也有令人失望的意思。比如Despite its positive reveiws, the movie underwhelmed me. 虽然有很好的口碑,但是这部电影让我很失望。



  • Overconfident: 过度自信。比如Always be aware if you're overconfident. 要有意识,以免自己自信过头。

  • Overqualified: 资历过高。比如They are just hiring someone junior. I'm overqualified for the role. 他们只想招一位资历浅的员工,我的资历太高了。


上述看到的over前缀单词,其实都可以加under. 但是以下这些口语里不常用:

  • Underdo

  • underthink

  • Underanalyze

  • Undereact

  • Underconfident


Under promise, over deliver.

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