purchase tax for eligible passenger vehicles
China's finance and taxation authorities announced last week to halve the purchase tax of eligible vehicles, which has in turn spurred many automakers to increase their incentives in a bid to attract customers.
举购置一台价格30万元的2.0升排量乘用车(a 2-liter vehicle priced at 300,000 yuan)为例,在购置税减半(halve the purchase tax)后,一位消费者可节省约1.3万元。如果购置一台20万元乘用车,购置税减半后可节省8850元。
全国乘用车联合会秘书长崔东树表示,通过购置税优惠等诸多新政策的实施,通过7个月的促销费努力(through the efforts of the following seven months of promotion),推动全年国内零售达到2100万台的规模(the annual domestic retail sales will reach 21 million units in 2022),出政策后比发布政策前预计增量达到200万台左右。
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