
2022-06-15 14:08点击次数:2365

US mulls lifting some China tariffs to fight inflation

US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said on Sunday that President Joe Biden has asked his team to look at the option of lifting some tariffs on China that were put into place by former President Donald Trump to combat the current high inflation.


"We are looking at it. In fact, the president has asked us on his team to analyze that. And so we are in the process of doing that for him and he will have to make that decision," Raimondo told CNN in an interview on Sunday when asked about whether the Biden administration was weighing lifting tariffs on China to ease inflation.


"There are other products household goods, bicycles, etc. and it may make sense" to weigh lifting tariffs on those, she said.


Biden has said he is considering removing some of the tariffs imposed on hundreds of billions of dollars worth of Chinese goods by his predecessor in 2018 and 2019.


"[The removal] will benefit the US, China and the whole world," said Shu Jueting, spokesperson for China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), in early May, adding trade teams from both sides were maintaining communications.


Congress passed the COVID-19 relief package a year ago before it was signed into law, marking a signature achievement of Biden's first year in office.


The US consumer prices, which tracks what consumers pay for goods and services, peaked at 8.5 percent in March compared with a year ago, hitting the fastest inflation rate since 1981.


来源:CGTN, 路透社
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