- encourage thrift and oppose extravagance
- 倡俭治奢
- we will shed powers to make government cleaner
- 要以权力瘦身为廉政强身
- eradicate the breeding grounds of corruption
- 努力铲除腐败土壤
- our tough stance on corruption is here to stay
- 始终保持反腐高压态势
- our tolerance for corruption is zero, and anyone guilty of corruption will be dealt with seriously
- 对腐败分子零容忍、严查处
- we will see to it that every instance of corruption, should it be committed higher up or lower down, is severely punished
- 对腐败行为,无论出现在领导机关,还是发生在群众身边,都必须严加惩治
- work with diligence for the people
- 切实做到勤政为民