- admonish those who do not perform well
- 对工作不力的,要约谈诫勉
- expose and hold to account those who are indolent, sloppy, or neglectful of their duties
- 对为官不为、懒政怠政的,要公开曝光、坚决追究责任
- overseas Chinese nationals, overseas Chinese nationals who have returned to China and the relatives of overseas Chinese nationals who themselves live in China
- 海外侨胞和归侨侨眷
- we will deepen the reform of national defense and the armed forces, and increase the level of rule of law in their development
- 深化国防和军队改革,提高国防和军队建设法治化水平
- deepen their bonds of kinship, bring hearts and minds closer together
- 密切骨肉亲情,拉近心理距离
- a historical trend that can be neither resisted nor reversed
- 不可阻挡、不可逆转的历史潮流
- rally closely around sb
- 紧密团结在…的周围