
2021-12-17 12:55点击次数:2045

China Blocks Apps Helping Students With Their Homework

China’s top education authority has blocked mobile apps that help students with their coursework.

The Ministry of Education said Monday that the so-called snap-for-answers apps can only operate after receiving relevant approvals for helping primary and middle school students. The ministry said students relying on those apps “skip their own thinking process when facing problems, which harms their intellectual development.”

The snap-for-answers apps surfaced as early as 2013, with key players such as Zuoyebang building a 300-million-question bank for students from primary to high school, domestic media reported. Such apps topped active user lists among educational apps in April.

surface 动词用法,表示〔信息、情感或问题〕显露,暴露; 公开:if information, feelings, or problems surface, they become known about or easy to notice,举个例子:•Rumors about the killings have begun to surface in the press.有关这些杀人事件的传闻开始见诸于报端。•the jealousy that had surfaced in her她表现出来的嫉妒。
【熟词僻义】top这里用作动词,表示居于之首,处于的最高位置:to be in the highest position in a list because you are the most successful,比如说:•The Tower of London tops the list of London's most popular tourist attractions.伦敦塔在伦敦最受欢迎的旅游景点中名列第一。

“It’s difficult for students to develop their abilities if they only use apps to search for answers,” Chu Zhaohui, researcher at the state-run National Institute for Education Sciences, told China Media Group. “Under the ‘double reduction’ policy, more and more schools require students to finish their homework at school within one hour. So the need to use such applications has been significantly reduced.”
国有机构国家教育科学研究院的研究员楚赵辉告诉中国传媒集团,如果学生只使用APP来搜索答案,他们很难发展自己的能力。” “双减政策下,越来越多的学校要求学生在校一小时内完成作业。因此,使用此类APP的需求已经大大减少。

However, not everyone who uses such apps are students. Parents who often log in to help children with their homework see the restriction as a nuisance.

“It was already challenging for me to solve fifth-grade math questions,” Shanghai-based Lu Jing told Sixth Tone. “Now he’s in the eighth grade. I’m at a loss if I need to check his homework. These apps going offline means a lot of trouble for me.”
解决五年级的数学问题对我来说已经很有挑战性了,上海的鲁静告诉Sixth Tone现在他上初二了。如果我需要检查他的作业,我自己都看得晕乎乎的。这些APP下线对我来说意味着很多麻烦。

Meanwhile, some students who use these apps to double-check their answers after completing their homework also found the restrictions unhelpful. They said not everyone uses apps to cheat.

nuisance /'njuːs(ə)ns/ 讨厌(麻烦)的人(事物,情况):a person, thing, or situation that annoys you or causes problems,举个例子:•The dogs next door are a real nuisance.隔壁的那几只狗实在是讨厌。•What a nuisance! I've forgotten my ticket.真麻烦!我忘了带票。

double-check 复核;复查;If you double-check something, you examine or test it a second time to make sure that it is completely correct or safe. 举个例子:Check and double-check spelling and punctuation.要反复检查拼写和标点符号。

“It’s efficient,” said Du Qiuchun, a high school student in Shanghai. “If the app is no longer available, it is okay for me too, but it means I am not able to correct my mistakes immediately, and I have to ask my teachers the next day.”
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