
2021-12-02 15:08点击次数:1816

A popular Chinese lifestyle platform has banned wealth-bragging behavior on its site in the latest move to heed the national call to offer healthy online content and better regulate cyberspace.
Operators of the Instagram-like Xiaohongshu announced Thursday that they had so far flagged over 8,700 posts and “punished” 240 accounts deemed as having overtly showed off wealth between May to October. The platform, however, didn’t specify the actions taken against such accounts but added that it had improved its artificial intelligence-powered algorithms to recognize wealth-bragging content more accurately.
“The platform will firmly combat such content, which is detrimental to user experience and breeds an unhealthy ethos,” an unnamed representative from Xiaohongshu said in the press release.

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be detrimental to /ˌdetrɪ'ment(ə)l/ 有害的,不利的;ausing harm or damage,举个例子:•Smoking is detrimental to your health.吸烟有害健康。•the detrimental effect of pollution on the environment污染对环境的不利影响
breed v.引起,酿成,招致〔某种情感或状况〕:to cause a particular feelingor condition,举个例子:•Poor living conditions breed violence and despair.贫困的生活条件滋生暴力和绝望情绪。

According to Xiaohongshu’s updated community guidelines that went into effect in April, users are asked to “avoid showing off consumption power far exceeding that of average people.”
Founded in 2013, Xiaohongshu attracts about 160 million monthly active users, mostly women, who share lifestyle content largely encompassing makeup, skincare, and fashion tips through livestreaming, short videos, photos, and posts
The social media app has long been associated with content that exaggerates reality, and was slammed last month after several users were found to have posted overly-filtered photos or misleading representations of scenic spots. Xiaohongshu later apologized, saying it advocates “sincere sharing,” urging users to avoid excessive embellishments in their posts.
The lifestyle platform’s latest move aligns with the campaign initiated by the country’s top cyberspace regulator in May, urging social media platforms to prevent bragging about wealth, extravagance, and hedonism that could harm the development of minors.

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initiate /ɪ'nɪʃɪeɪt/ v.开始;创始;发起;If you initiate something, you start it or cause it to happen. 比如说:The trip was initiated by the manager of the community centre.这次旅行由社区活动中心的经理发起。
extravagance /ɪk'strævəɡəns/ n. 奢侈;铺张;浪费;Extravagance is the spending of more money than is reasonable or than you can afford.
也可以直接表示· 奢侈品:· something that you buy although it costs a lot of money, perhaps more than you can afford or than is necessary,比如说:Going to the theatre is our only extravagance. 去剧院看戏是我们唯一的奢侈享受。
hedonism /'hiːd(ə)nɪz(ə)m/ 享乐主义;Hedonism is the belief that gaining pleasure is the most important thing in life.
【词根词缀】-ism 通常表示· 主义;学说;体系;制度:used to refer to a set of ideas or system of beliefs or behaviour,比如:You're always talking in isms—sexism, ageism, racism. 你张口闭口就是各种主义 —— 性别主义、年龄歧视、种族主义。
【熟词僻义】minor·未成年人:a person who is under the age at which you legally become an adult and are responsible for your actions

“Is the content conducive to inspiring people to live in a positive and healthy manner and strive for a better life? Or is it catering to some vulgar urge, triggering people to despise the poor and curry favor with the rich, pursue hedonism, or even the want to be paid for nothing?” Zhang Yongjun, a senior official at China’s Cyberspace Administration, said during a press conference in May.

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conducive /kən'djuːsɪv/ 有助(于…)的;有益(于…)的;If one thing is conducive to another thing, it makes the other thing likely to happen.比如说:Make your bedroom as conducive to sleep as possible.尽量把卧室布置得适宜睡眠。Sometimes the home environment just isn't conducive to reading.有时候,家里的环境确实不适合看书。
curry 'favour (with sb)· 讨好;奉承;拍马屁· to try to get sb to like or support you by praising or helping them a lot

Pan Helin, executive dean of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law’s Digital Economic Research Institute, told Sixth Tone that the ultimate goal of posting ostentatious content about wealth is usually to make money — users portray themselves as wealthy, attracting others with the prospect of learning how to get rich, and finally, marketers offer training services or investment suggestions promising to help them do just that.
中南财经政法大学数字经济研究院执行院长潘鹤林在接受Sixth Tone采访时表示,发布炫富内容的最终目的通常是为了赚钱——用户把自己包装成有钱人,吸引其他人,希望学习如何致富,最后,营销人员提供培训服务或投资建议,承诺帮助他们做到这一点。


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