
2021-12-01 11:21点击次数:3075

1)大家都很熟悉 although 是 “虽然,尽管” 的意思,但要注意, although…but 是一个语法错误:
Although 就暗示着后面有一个转折,无需再加一个 but
Although I am very tired, I am still gonna go to the party. 虽然我很累,我还是要去参加派对。
2)although 还有一些相似的词:
even though,though,这些词也有 “虽然、尽管” 的意思,它们的后面也不能加 but

although,even though,though 的区别只在于位置:

although 放在开头,but 放在中间,though 后面。

I was very tired, but I went to the party. 我很累,但我还是去参加派对了。

I am very tired, I am still going to go to the party, though. 我很累,但我还是要去参加派对。

though 如果放在中间,听起来就很正式甚至带有一些诗意。

3)可以加 still
although,even though,though 后面不能加 but 但是可以加 still, 可加可不加,但加上之后转折会显得更加明显。
Although I was full, I still finished the dessert. 虽然我饱了,但我还是吃完甜品了。
4)although 可以用于过去、现在,也可以用于将来时:
Although it will rain, my son still needs to go to his soccer practice. 尽管会下雨,我儿子还是要去足球训练的。
1)Despite, Inspite of
这两词里面都有spitespite 有战胜、赢得某事后,对某事不在乎,将其视为不重要,某事难不倒某人的意思:
Despite leaving late, I still got here on time. 尽管出发晚了,我还是按时到达了。
In spite of the bad traffic,  I still got there on time. 尽管交通很堵塞,我还是按时到达了
这两个词后面都不加 but,但是可以加上 still
Despite her mom’s objections, she still married him. 尽管她妈妈反对,她还是嫁给他了。
despite, inspite of 两者的区别是:
despite 可以加名词,也可以加动名词,但 in spite of 通常只能加名词
despite leaving late:尽管迟出发
in spite of traffic:尽管交通堵塞
while /waɪl/:在……期间;尽管
当 while 意思的“在……期间”时:
While I was working, my son was sleeping. 我在工作的时候,我儿子在睡觉。
当它的意思是“尽管”,指虽然 A 事情成立,但是还有 B 需要注意:

While he is competent, he is not outstanding. 尽管他很能干,但他并不出色。后面也不能加 but

3)Even if
有人说分不清 even though 和 even if,两者区别在于:
even though 后面跟的是事实, even if 后面是假设。
The football game will go on, even if it rains. 即使下雨,足球比赛也会继续进行。
Even though it's raining , the game has been continued. 尽管下着雨,比赛还是继续进行。
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