
2021-09-30 10:30点击次数:2798

It用法,是英语语法的重点、难点It 有时候可以作为实词出现,用于指代人以外的第三者,但更多的时候It是用来作形式主语的代词来用的.在英语中It有多少种用法呢?华慧考博老师现将it用法归纳如下:

        1. 替代作主语的动词不定式,其句型为:
        (1) It be adj. (for sb.) to do sth.
       此处adj. 通常为描述事件的形容词:easydifficulthardnecessaryunnecessarypossibleimpossiblelikelyunlikelyrightwrongimportantunimportantlegalillegal等。
        例:It is illegal (for a teenager) to drive a car without a license.
        (2) It be adj. of sb. to do sth.
       此处adj. 通常为描述人的形容词:kindunkindnicerudecruelconsideratethoughtfulthoughtlesscarefulcareless等。
        例:Its kind of you to help me with the problem.
        2. it替代作主语的从句常见句型:
        (1) It is + n. +从句
        例:It is no secret that the president wants to have a second term at office.
        (2) It is+ adj. +从句
        It’s surprising that... (should) ...竟然……
        It’s a pity/shame that... (should) ...很遗憾/惭愧…… 
        例:It’s important that you should apologize to her for your rudeness.
=It’s of much importance that you should apologize to her for your rudeness.
        (3) It is v-ed that…=sb./sth. is to do
        (verb=say, report, think, believe, hope, expect, agree, accept, decide, determine, intend, plan, understand, know
        例:It is said that the couple have gotten divorced.=The couple are said to have gotten divorced.
        (6) It is v-ed that...(should)…
        (verb=demand, request, require, order, suggest, advise, recommend)
        例:It is suggested that they should begin with the third question.

1. It takes sb. … to do…(=sb. takes…to do…) 某人用多长时间做某事
         It took the man a week to mend our roof.= The man took a week to mend our roof.
2. It’s (just)(un)like sb. to do…(不)像某人做某事的风格
        例:It was (just) like him to think of helping us.
3. It’s (about/high) time that… should /v-ed…是该做某事的时候了
        例:It’s(about/high) time that we should take action. 我们是时候采取行动了。
4. It’s the x-th time (that) … have v-ed…第几次做某事了
        例:It’s the third time that he has failed the driving test. 这是他第三次驾照考试失败。
5. It is/has been... since...continuous v-ed(延续性动词某动作已有多长时间不发生了
        例:It's ten years since he lived here. 他已经有10年不住在这里了。
6. It was(not)… before…()了多长时间某动作发生了
        例:It was not long before they arrived. 过不了多久他们就会到了。

      (四)it 作形式宾语
        it 作形式宾语的常见句型:
1. verb+ it+ adj./noun (for/of) to do/clause
        (verb=think, believe, suppose, consider, feel, make, keep…)
       例:I think it hard for you to do the task on your own./I think it hard that you’ll do the task on your own.
2. verb+it+adj./noun (one’s) doing
        (adj.=useless/worth/worthwhile)(noun=no use/no good/worth one’s while/a waste of time
/money/energy/words) (verb=think, believe, suppose, consider, feel, make, keep...)
        例:I’ll make it worth your while telling me about his secret.
3.verb+it+important/unimportant/necessary/unnecessary/natural/essential that...(should)…
verb +it +of much/great/no/little importance that...(should)...
        (verb=think, believe, suppose, consider, feel, make, keep...)
        例:I think it important that you (should) attend the conference.
4. verb + it+ as+ noun/adj.+ clause (verb=accept, regard, take, see, view)
        例:The lecturer takes it as encouraging when so many students attend his lecture.
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