
2021-07-09 10:22点击次数:1465





  时间状语从句主要由以下连词引导:when,whenever,as,while,since,until,till,before,after,as soon as,once,hardly(scarcely)…when,no sooner…than。

  I will discuss the matter with you when we meet tomorrow.

  He didn’t go to sleep until he finished doing his homework.

  You have changed a lot since we met last time.

  时间状语从句还可由某些可充当连词的名词(the moment,the instant,every time,等)和副词(instantly,directly等)引导:

  I will tell you the news the instant I know.

  Directly the teacher came in everyone was quiet.



  It was a long time before I got to sleep again.

  They had not been married a month before they quarreled.

  ②如果位于when引导的分句之前的主句使用过去进行时、过去完成时或was/were about to,was/were on the point of等结构时,when表示突然发生某事,可译为“正在…突然”或“刚…就”等。这时,不能够用as或while来代替when。

  I was walking on the street when I ran into my old friend John.

  She had just fallen asleep when the telephone rang.

  We were about to leave when it began to rain.


  条件状语从句主要由以下连词引导:if,unless,providing/provided(that),suppose/supposing(that),on condition(that),as/so long as,in case等。

  So long as you work hard,you will surely achieve good results in examinations.

  I shall return next Thursday unless something unexpected happens.

  I will go provided that you go with me.

  Please give this letter to John in case he comes.


  让步状语从句主要由以下连词引导:though,although,even if,even though,whatever,however,whoever,wherever,no matter how/what/where/when等。以下介绍几种较特殊的让步状语从句。


  While I admit I did it,I didn’t intend to.

  While I understand what you say,I can’t agree with you.

  (2)短语even now/then/so相当于though it is/was true,表示“尽管如此”,“尽管这样”。

  The fire was out,but even so,the smell of smoke was strong.

  I’ve tried my best,but even now/then she is not satisfied.


  Child as he was,he could speak four languages.

  Hard as she tried,she failed to get the job.


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