
2021-06-02 10:37点击次数:1638

Confidence isn't walking into a room thinking that you're better than anyone.
It's walking in knowing that you don't have to compare yourself to anyone.
Comparing yourself to another person that isn't even in your system, there's no thought of comparison.
There is no competition with any other human, you are not above anyone you are not below anyone, that's confidence. 没有人需要与其他人竞争,你不高于任何人,也不低于任何人,那就是自信。
When you can get to the place in your life where comparison is dead, where you are good enough not to others but to yourself, that is confidence and you can be good enough right now because you are good enough right now.
You might just need to change your mindset, confidence can be developed in many ways, you can start with your physiology, your posture.
If I asked you what a confident person looked like, would you be able to tell me?如果我问你一个自信的人是什么样的,你能告诉我吗?
Of course, you would, they look strong, sure of themselves, how are they standing?
They're standing tall how are their shoulders?
They are back upright, they make eye contact, their head is up not down.
Now a shy or introverted person might say yeah well that's all good for outgoing people but I will never be confident.害羞或内向的人可能会说,这对外向的人来说很轻松,但我永远自信不起来。
Anyone can develop confidence, somebody has to work on it harder than others because they've conditioned themselves into a lack of confidence for much of their life but anyone can develop confidence.
Even the majority of sad people have moments where they aren't shy like around people they trust maybe family friends or their partner, moments where they can be themselves fully so the shyness is selective, which means you can make confidence permanent if you consciously decide to be the person and do the things you do, not just around those you trust the most but all the time.
Being confident doesn't mean you are loud it isn't about being the one that has to be noticed, it's the opposite it's knowing you're great without having to be seen.
It's the silent winner. it's the humble champion.
If you lack confidence you can change, if you lack anything you can change you can be anything in life including radical personality change, if you are committed to finding the answers, unlock the greatest version of yourself, your true nature of confidence, of pure positive energy, unlock your authentic power today.
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