考研英语阅读理解练习:Self-driving cars

2021-05-11 10:02点击次数:1195

英国政府表示,今年年底之前,自动驾驶车辆可能会被允许上路。英国交通部(The Department for Transport)表示,自动车道保持系统(ALKS)将会是第一种合法的免握方向盘的驾驶方式。

This plan is being billed as a first step towards allowing self-driving cars on British roads, but in practical terms, it's less than revolutionary.


If it goes ahead, it'll allow cars with automated lane-keeping technology to be used legally on motorways without input from the driver at speeds of up to 37 miles per hour, provided the technology being used has official approval.


Yet finding cars able to benefit from the change will be difficult at first. Many current vehicles already have the ability to steeraccelerate and brake for themselves on motorways. But crucially, they still need to be monitored by the driver.


The government believes that in the longer term, self-driving technology will make the roads safer and reduce emissions. But the AA has warned that more testing is needed and that we should not be in a race to take drivers' hands off the wheel.



self-driving 自动驾驶
automated 自动化的
lane-keeping 使车辆保持在车道内
motorways 高速公路
input 参与,投入
speeds 速度
vehicles 车辆
steer 掌方向盘
accelerate 加速
brake 制动,刹车
monitored 被密切注视
wheel 方向盘


1. True or false? According to the text, the plan is not completely new in practical terms.

2. If the plan moves ahead, how fast are cars with automated lane-keeping technology allowed to go without the drivers' input?

3. What will be one of the first problems encountered if the plan succeeds?

4. What has the AA warned about self-driving technology?


1. True or false? According to the text, the plan is not completely new in practical terms.
True. In practical terms, it's less than revolutionary.

2. If the plan moves ahead, how fast are cars with automated lane-keeping technology allowed to go without the drivers' input?
Up to 37 miles per hour, provided the technology being used has official approval.

3. What will be one of the first problems encountered if the plan succeeds?
Finding cars able to benefit from the change will be difficult at first.

4. What has the AA warned about self-driving technology?
It has warned that more testing is needed and that we should not be in a race to take drivers' hands off the wheel.


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