华慧考研:题源报刊精读Scientists: Admit You Have Values(1)

2021-05-07 09:08点击次数:1857

Scientists: Admit You Have Values1

As the U.S. recoils from the divisions of recent years and the scientific community tries to rebuild trust in science, scientists may be tempted to reaffirm their neutrality. If people are to trust us again, as I have frequently heard colleagues argue, we have to be scrupulous about not allowing our values to intrude into our science. This presupposes that value neutrality is necessary for public trust and that it is possible. But available evidence suggests that neither presumption is correct.
Recent research in communications has shown that people are most likely to accept a message when it is delivered by trusted messengers—teachers, for example, or religious or business leaders, or local doctors and nurses. One strategy to build trust, therefore, is for scientists to build links from their laboratories, institutes and academic departments into the communities where they live and work. One way to do this is by partnering with organizations such as the gt;National Center for Science Education, founded to fight creationism in the classroom but now working broadly with teachers to increase understanding of the nature of science itself. To do this, scientists do not need to throw off their personal values; they merely need to share with teachers a belief in the value of education. This is important because research suggests that, even if we try, we can’t throw off our values.
recoil from     畏缩,后退
be tempted to  受诱惑做某事
partner with    做伙伴
throw off        摆脱;抛弃;关闭
scrupulous      a.有顾虑的;一丝不苟的
intrude           v.侵入,侵扰
presuppose      v.预先假定,假设
creationism     n.创造宇宙说,特别创造说
broadly          ad.广泛地;明显地
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