华慧考研:题源报刊精读Repairing Earth once the Pandemic Is Over(6)

2021-05-07 09:06点击次数:888

Repairing Earth once the Pandemic Is Over6
Climate activists have long argued that saving Earth and fighting for justice and equality are one and the same. That conviction undergirds the Green New Deal, a package of social, environmental and economic reforms advocated by progressive U.S. politicians. Ensuring that this vision and its international counterpart, the Global Green New Deal, are transformed into reality will require sustained pressure from social movements. Even before the pandemic, the struggles of Indigenous peoples, such as that of the Standing Rock Sioux to defend their right to clean water, and schoolchildren’s strikes to force action on climate change were inspiring millions around the globe. “Another world is not only possible, she’s on her way,” prophesized novelist Arundhati Roy. “On a quiet day, if I listen very carefully, I can hear her breathing.”
气候活动主义者长期以来一直认为,拯救地球和争取正义平等是一致的。这一看法是“绿色新政”的基础,“绿色新政”是由进步的美国政客提倡的一系列社会、环境和经济改革。要确保这一构想及其国际上对应的“全球绿色新政”转化为现实,需要社会运动不断施压。即便在疫情爆发之前,土著居民多次抗争,如立岩苏族部落(Standing Rock Sioux)为捍卫清洁水源所作的斗争,学生纷纷罢课迫使人们就气候变化采取行动,这些鼓舞了全球成千上万的人。小说家阿隆达蒂·罗伊(Arundhati Roy)曾预言:“另一个世界不仅存在可能,而且就快到了。在某个安静的日子,如果我仔细听,还能听到她的呼吸。”
one and the same    同一个事物,同一个人
a package of          一揽子,一系列
on one’s way          在路上,在途中
conviction             n.确信,坚定的信仰;定罪,判罪
undergird              v.加强,支持
progressive            a.不断前进的,有进展的,逐渐上升的;进步的,先进的
sustained               a.持久的,持续的
inspire                   v.鼓舞,激发,启示;产生
prophesize             v.预言
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