华慧考研:题源报刊精读Repairing Earth once the Pandemic Is Over(5)

2021-05-07 09:05点击次数:878

Repairing Earth once the Pandemic Is Over5
Marginalized groups also suffer disproportionately from environmental devastation—although they do the least harm to the planet. The world’s top 10 percent of income earners are responsible for up to 43 percent of the environmental impact of human society, whereas the world’s bottom 10 percent contribute no more than 5 percent. Across nations, inequality correlates with worse environmental indicators—probably because the marginalized often lack the clout to fend off polluting facilities, from which the wealthy are more likely to profit. In the U.S., regions with poor air quality, where Black people disproportionately reside, also appear to have worse outcomes from COVID-19.
The pandemic has not only aggravated these stark inequities and injustices, the mass unemployment it has generated has also given millions of Americans the motivation and opportunity to express their outrage. Their impassioned protests against systemic racism may be essential to moving the U.S. to a more equitable and sustainable future. Change is in the air. City dwellers are lending a hand to neighbors who, months earlier, were strangers. And local food movements are providing hope of reducing dependence on highly polluting and often exploitative global supply chains.
marginalize            v.使处于社会边缘;使脱离社会发展进程;忽视,排斥
disproportionately  ad.不成比例地
bottom                  a.底部的,最后的;尽头的
indicator                n.指示信号;标志;迹象;指针;转向灯,方向灯
clout                     n.影响力,势力;猛击,重打
outcome                n.结果
aggravate               v.使恶化,加重;激怒,使恼火
stark                     a.(指区别)明显的,鲜明的;僵硬的;光秃秃的,荒凉的
outrage                  n.愤怒;暴行;骇人听闻的事
impassioned           a.充满激情的,热烈的
exploitative            a.剥削的,开发资源的
suffer from            遭受
do harm to             加害,损害
be responsible for   对……负责
correlate with         把……与……联系起来;(使)相同于,符合于
fend off                 挡开,避开(问题或人);抵挡(攻击)
in the air                (想法、消息等)在流传中;(计划、问题等)悬而未决;在空中;即将发生(或到来)
lend a hand           帮助
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