【翻译-汉译英练习】对于一名女子来说,传统美(traditional beauty)是她的唯一标志。她的皮肤应该天生丽质,没有皱纹,没有疤痕,没有瑕疵。她的身材应该消瘦苗条,通常高挑个,双腿修长,其中青春年少则是首要条件。所有在电视广告中出现的“花容月貌”的靓女都符合这个标准。这种形象是人为的,是可以人工塑造的。许多妇女尽其所能来摆布和修改自己的容貌体态。
To a woman, the traditional beauty is her only mark. Her skin should be naturally beautiful, without wrinkles, scars or flaws. She should be thin and slim, usually tall, with long legs, of which youth is the first condition. All the beautiful women in the TV commercials are in line with this standard. This image is artificial and can be made by people. Many women do what they can do to manipulate and change their faces and bodies.