recommend [rekə'mend] vt.推荐;建议;劝告;使受欢迎;使可取【同】commend, advise, suggest, counsel
【派】recommendation, recommendable
【例】I recommend the book to all my students.
reconcile ['rekənsail] v.调和;和解;妥协;一致
【派】reconcilable 【固】reconcile sb. with sb. 使和解,使和好如初
【例】It is hard to reconcile his career ambitions with the needs of his children.
recreation [rekri'eiʃn] n.消遣;娱乐
【同】amusement, entertainment, relaxation 【派】recreate, recreational
【例】In other words, we had better take sufficient recreation to relax after work.
recruit [ri'kru:t] v.征募(新兵),吸收;补充 n.新成员,新兵
【同】enroll, enlist 【反】veteran 【派】recruitment
【例】Finally, because the ultimate stakeholders are patients, the health research community should actively recuite to its cause not only well-known personalities such as Stephen Cooper, who has made courageous statements about the value of animal research, but all who receive medical treatment. 最后,因为最终的利益攸关者是病人,所以医学研究界不但要积极邀请像斯蒂文·古柏这样的知名人士来支持自己的事业——他已经勇敢地发表了动物研究价值的有关声明,还力图得到所有接受医疗的人的支持。
rectangle ['rektæŋgl] n.矩形,长方形
【例】A rectangle has four right angles. 一个矩形有四个直角。
rectify ['rektifai] v.纠正,整顿
【同】correct, set right, put right 【派】rectification
【例】We must take steps to rectify the situation. 我们一定要采取措施整顿局面。
recur [ri'kə:] v.(尤指不好的事)一再发生;重现
【例】This theme recurs several times throughout the book.
recycle [ri:'saikl] v.再利用;使再循环;再制 n.再循环
【派】recyclable, recycling
【例】We should try to recycle all our waste paper.
reduction [ri'dʌkʃn] n.减少;降低;减价;(化学)还原反应
【同】decrease, shrinkage, cutback
【例】In view of our long-standing business relations, we can consider a price reduction. 鉴于你我双方长期的业务关系,我们可以考虑减价。
redundant [ri'dʌndənt] adj.多余的,过剩的;(食物)丰富的;被解雇的
【同】superfluous, unwanted
【例】The pictures has too much redundant details. 这幅画中不必要的细节太多。
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