
2020-12-07 16:42点击次数:3767

5G连接数 5G connections

5G connections in China are expected to reach 200 million by the end of 2020, contributing to more than 85 percent of the global total, according to a recent analysis by GSMA, an international association of mobile operators.


5G(5th generation mobile communication technology),即第五代移动通信技术,将提升移动网络的作用,不仅让人与人之间互联,更让机器、物体和终端之间互联互控。

5G是一个全新的通讯技术,具有高速率(high data rate)、大容量(high capacity)、低时延(short latency)的特性,这使得5G技术在物联网(Internet of Things)、智慧家居(smart home)、远程服务(remote service)、外场支援(field support)、虚拟现实(virtual reality)、增强现实(augmented reality)等领域有了新的应用。


As of September, 107 carriers have commercialized 5G networks in 47 countries and regions. It is expected that 149 carriers will commercialize 5G networks in 57 countries and regions by the end of 2020.

By the end of 2025, 410 carriers are expected to commercialize 5G networks in 123 countries and regions.

2019年10月31日,三大运营商公布5G商用套餐(5G data plans),并于11月1日正式上线,标志着中国正式进入5G商用时代。

数据显示,截至9月底,中国5G基站(5G base station)累计超过69万个,基本实现地市级5G覆盖,今年50万个5G基站的建设目标提前完成,5G累计终端连接数已超过1.6亿。

5G technologies have been utilized in more than 20 industries including marine, power grids, healthcare and manufacturing.

By the end of September, China's three major telecom operators had launched more than 5,000 innovation projects and signed around 1,000 5G business contracts.

5G connections

5G connections in China are expected to reach 200 million by the end of 2020, contributing to more than 85 percent of the global total, according to a recent analysis by GSMA, an international association of mobile operators.


5G(5th generation mobile communication technology),即第五代移动通信技术,将提升移动网络的作用,不仅让人与人之间互联,更让机器、物体和终端之间互联互控。

5G是一个全新的通讯技术,具有高速率(high data rate)、大容量(high capacity)、低时延(short latency)的特性,这使得5G技术在物联网(Internet of Things)、智慧家居(smart home)、远程服务(remote service)、外场支援(field support)、虚拟现实(virtual reality)、增强现实(augmented reality)等领域有了新的应用。


As of September, 107 carriers have commercialized 5G networks in 47 countries and regions. It is expected that 149 carriers will commercialize 5G networks in 57 countries and regions by the end of 2020.

By the end of 2025, 410 carriers are expected to commercialize 5G networks in 123 countries and regions.

2019年10月31日,三大运营商公布5G商用套餐(5G data plans),并于11月1日正式上线,标志着中国正式进入5G商用时代。

数据显示,截至9月底,中国5G基站(5G base station)累计超过69万个,基本实现地市级5G覆盖,今年50万个5G基站的建设目标提前完成,5G累计终端连接数已超过1.6亿。

5G technologies have been utilized in more than 20 industries including marine, power grids, healthcare and manufacturing.

By the end of September, China's three major telecom operators had launched more than 5,000 innovation projects and signed around 1,000 5G business contracts.

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